An investigation on the Challenges of marriage life in Military Culture.

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An investigation on the Challenges of marriage life in Military Culture.


Master Of Theology (Pastoral Counselling)


In the Military, a healthy marriage and family life is one of the pillars of a healthy Military Establishment because the quality of marriage influences the morale of the men and women in uniform in their performance and tour of duty. However, family life in the military culture is faced with many challenges which range from multiple deployments, financial difficulties, alcohol and substance abuse, constant relocations, promiscuity, constant separations, high rate of divorce, and remarriage, and sometimes spouse abuse.

This study was designed to conduct descriptive research on the challenges of married life in military culture. The study was undertaken because the researcher is an active serving chaplain and was interested to do an in-depth investigation of the challenges of marriages in the military community due to the influence of the military culture. The specific objectives of this study: included an investigation into the history of marriage in the Military, and an examination of the customs, traditions, or etiquettes that govern the law of marriage in the military culture. The research went further to assess the influence that military culture brings to marriages in order to identify the unique challenges which military marriages encounter.

Seventy people who included Senior Military officers, Warrant officers, Soldiers, Chaplains, and Couples were purposefully selected as the respondents during this study. Survey questionnaire Focus group interviews, one to one and interviews that focused on the history, and family life in the military were used during the study. These instruments facilitated the collection of reliable data regarding the present beliefs, opinions,s, and attitudes on marriage and family life in the Zambia Army. The research was carried out in Arakan Barracks in the Lusaka Province of the Republic of Zambia. Arakan Barrack was purposely selected because the site has many Senior Officers and Soldiers who have worked in the Army for reasonably many years and have previously operated in other Barracks outside Lusaka province. Arakan Barracks was ideal for this research because most Offices are close and accessible for the researcher and in addition, it houses the Zambia Army Military Archives and Records office for easy access to documents.

The study revealed that family life in the military is faced with a number of unique challenges which come about because of the culture, traditions, etiquette, and orders and instructions that govern the institution of marriages in the military community. The findings suggested that military marriages are faced with a number of unique challenges mainly due to operational deployments and frequent relocation as the main causes. The study also proved the assumption that those who seek to provide help to the military family should learn and understand the culture of this unique community.

Without any bias by the researcher, the respondents showed with various practical examples that the institution of marriage in the Zambia Army was indeed faced with a number of unique family challenges as a result of the influence of constant relocations and multiple operational deployments. The respondents also confirmed that Chaplaincy in Zambia Army was playing their role of positively influencing the members of the Army and their families but there is a need for improvement, though there is still room improvement.


Shadreck Mwale


Submitted to Justo Mwale University




Supervisor: Dr. Lukas R.K. Soko


All Right Reserved. Justo Mwale University


Physical Medium.




Marriage life in military multure.
Date Added
May 27, 2022
Theses and Dissertation [2017]
Shadreck Mwale, “An investigation on the Challenges of marriage life in Military Culture.,” Justo Mwale University, Repository , accessed February 22, 2025,