Assessment of the influence of the African Traditional Cultural Values on Worship in The United Church of Zambia: A case of selected congregations in Kabwe District

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Assessment of the influence of the African Traditional Cultural Values on Worship in The United Church of Zambia: A case of selected congregations in Kabwe District


Master of Education (Religious Studies)


The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of the values of African culture on worship in the UCZ. The rationale behind this study was to investigate the opinions by many scholars of religious studies and theology that African Indigenous Churches have incorporated African traditional cultural values in worship in contrast to protestant missionary churches. The objectives of the study were to: describe the nature and development of the liturgy of the UCZ; discover the areas that have been influenced by traditional African cultural elements; examine the traditional cultural elements that have been incorporated in worship; and determine the impact of traditional African cultural values on worship.

The study used qualitative method for data collection and analysis. The methods of data collection involved in-depth semi structured interviews, questionnaires and observations. The instruments that were applied included semi structured interview guides, inquiries and observation checklists. The study involved two congregations, one from town Centre and the other from a Peri-urban area. Out of the two congregations, forty two respondents were sampled through purposive, stratified random and simple random sampling.

The major findings of the study are that worship in the United Church of Zambia has been influenced by traditional African cultural values. It was discovered that areas that have been influenced by traditional cultural values include music, dance, worship instruments, language of worship, and prayers. It was discovered that these traditional cultural values have impacted worship in many ways. The study has revealed that the use of vernacular in worship has positively affected the preaching of the gospel of Christ which has consequently promoted the growth of the church’s membership. The study further shows that music composed with the use of traditional values of vernacular language inspires and appeals to the hearts of worshippers.

The motivation of the music was discovered to be more when it is accompanied with traditional drums and rattles. In the area of prayers, the study has revealed that worshippers use rich values of vernacular languages. This enables them to identify themselves with their creator as well developing a sense that He is God of all cultures. Apart from that, it was discovered that the church has embraced charismatic prayers which promote holistic salvation. This understanding of salvation comes from the African traditional way of life. However, it was discovered that though the UCZ liturgy has incorporated traditional cultural values, its status needs to be improved. In view of the above observation, the study recommends that the church should consider exploring more of the traditional cultural elements and values for incorporation in the worship.


Oskin Siingwa


Submitted to Justo Mwale University




Supervisor: Prof. Edwin Silavwe
Co-supervisor: Prof. Edwin Zulu


All Right Reserved. Justo Mwale University


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African Traditional Cultural values on worship
the United Church of Zambia
Date Added
May 23, 2022
Theses and Dissertation [2017]
Oskin Siingwa, “Assessment of the influence of the African Traditional Cultural Values on Worship in The United Church of Zambia: A case of selected congregations in Kabwe District,” Justo Mwale University, Repository , accessed March 6, 2025,