Comparative analysis of the role of the holy spirit in worship service in Oriental Orthodox and Pentecostal Churches within the African Context

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Comparative analysis of the role of the holy spirit in worship service in Oriental Orthodox and Pentecostal Churches within the African Context


Master Theology (Systematic Theology)


The study was on the comparative analysis of the role of the Holy Spirit in worship service in Oriental Orthodox and Pentecostal churches within the African context. The objectives of the study were to: show how oriental Orthodox Church consider the role of the Holy Spirit in the Worship service, indicate how Pentecostal churches consider the role of the Holy Spirit in Worship service, analyze the similarities and differences about the role of Holy Spirit in the mentioned churches and lastly but not least find out how the Oriental Orthodox and Pentecostals Churches can inform each other on the role of the Holy Spirit in the worship service. The target population of the study comprised of people from Pentecost churches within Lusaka central and Oriental Orthodox Churches in Ethiopia, Egypt and Lusaka. The data collection instruments used were interview guide, questionnaire guide and observation of the worship services.
The study established that among the roles of the Holy Spirit included Him being the sanctifier, healer, transformer, unifier, source of life and many others. The role of the Spirit in the church today is almost the same with the teachings of the early church, but the practices seem to be different.

It was also established that the credibility of true biblical worship is not measured by how fast the songs are sung or how deeply one meditate in solitude. It is not measured by raising hands, affirming the Apostles creed or congregational applause and many other things done. True worship is measured by transformation of the worshiper because he or she has been in the presence of God and finally how the believer has gained the new insights in a worship service about God.

It was further established that there is need to understand the historical backgrounds of the two churches. This in turn will help to appreciate and learn from each other where necessarily. It was recommended among other recommendations that positive influence of globalization should be enhanced and the negative one should be well addressed to sensitize as well as make proper awareness.


Negatu Kidane Mariam Arega


Submitted to Justo Mwale University




Supervisor: Dr. Hermen. T. Kroesbergen


All Right Reserved. Justo Mwale University


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Comparative analysis of the role of the Holy Spirit in worship service in Oriental Orthodox and Pentecostal Churches Within the African Context.
Date Added
May 23, 2022
Theses and Dissertation [2017]
Negatu Kidane Mariam Arega, “Comparative analysis of the role of the holy spirit in worship service in Oriental Orthodox and Pentecostal Churches within the African Context,” Justo Mwale University, Repository , accessed March 6, 2025,